Featured Event

Past Event💚 28/07 ASHY SUNDAY SINGLES 8:00am - 9:00am

Jul 28 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (AEST)  •  Pickleball •  Public Event
Event Organizers
Ruth Rossell
Event Host
Jay McLean 🥰
Event Host, Certified Pickleball Coach, Founder
All Skill Levels
Jul 28 8:00 AM

** FREE PARKING: Plenty of free parking is located at the front of the centre. Pickleball will be held at basketball court no. 1 of the Ashburton basketball stadium centre.

Pickleball FUN Community (PFC) & Ashburton Pool & Recreation Centre (ASHY) SUNDAY SINGLES offers 2 indoor Pickleball Courts, with all equipment provided to try out your singles game during your 1-hour Pickleball FUN early morning session.

** You can play singles first to 8 points only and/or singles match play for about 8 minutes then switch out.

If the session IS FULL then all 2 courts will be dedicated for Match Play throughout the entire session. 2 player off, 2 player on rotation after each game of 8 points, no win by 2, just first to 8 points or 8mins max per game.



When playing Pickleball, as with any sport and physical activity, there is always a risk of injury. Therefore, we all must take responsibility for our safety and take the necessary precautions to prevent injuries.

👍 To ensure that everyone is having awesome fun and staying safe with the game, we would like to remind all members of the following safety measures during each pickleball coaching and social session:

✅ 1. DO PROPER WARM-UP ACTIVATION EXERCISES BEFORE YOUR SESSION: Warm-up activation exercises are very important to prepare your key muscles for the game and prevent injuries. NOTE: We have a list of activation exercises designed for pickleball which you can get from the session host.

✅ 2. PLAY WITHING YOUR LIMITS: Do not push yourself beyond your limits. Know your capabilities and play accordingly.

✅ 3. DRINK CONSISTENTLY THROUGHOUT YOUR SESSION: Staying hydrated is important to prevent cramps and other injuries.

✅ 4. BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS: Always look out for other players, spectators, and potential hazards on and near the court.

✅ 5. WEAR PROPER INDOOR COURT SHOES: This will provide adequate support, grip and again prevent any unnecessary injuries.

✅ 6. DO NOT PEDAL BACKWARDS TO RETRIEVE BALLS: Avoid running backwards to retrieve balls as this can cause injuries. Instead, turn around and run forward to retrieve the ball.

✅ 7. LET SOME CHALLENGING SHOTS GO: It's certainly okay to give up a point to avoid injury.

By following these 7 key safety measures, we can all have fun playing pickleball safely and reduce the risk of injuries. 🤗 We all must look out for each other and create a safe and fun environment for everyone. 🥰

Tags ASHYMEMBERSHIP-ELIGIBLEPickleballFUNSundaySinglesPickleballMatchPlay
8 going, all spots filled

Cancellation Deadline: July 28, 2024 6:00 AM (AEST)

If you cancel your ticket before the deadline, the full cost of your ticket will be issued to your Pickleball FUN Community account credit.

Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre

8 Warner Ave, Ashburton VIC 3147, Australia