Featured Event

CancelledPort Charlotte Open Play - Monday nights

Event Cancelled

Required number of players not met

January 22, 2024 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (EST)  •  Kickball •  Public Event
Club Sport
Event Host
All Skill Levels
Jan 22 6:30 PM

Club Sport is now offering Open Play opportunities for people who can't commit to league play every week and as a way to build up a new location. It's a great way to get out and meet people without the commitment. Making for a social yet competitive kickball experience that fits into your busy schedule. Get the most bang for your buck by becoming a member of Club Sport Open Play. Memberships coming!

Who Can Participate:
Everyone who's interested in playing kickball at any level.

How It Works:

Up to Two teams of 15 players may sign up per session. You can request to play with a friend, teams will be formed onsite prior to playing based on guests. We'll work teams out based on who shows up first and if you have a friend/group.
Games will be 45 minutes and we'll play for 2 hours. If a team is losing by more than 15 runs within 45 minutes, we'll stop and switch up teams.

Only players who register on-line will be allowed to participate / You cannot give your spot to another person or sign up others.
-P layers can Register in advance for as many sessions as they like.
Must be 18 years old to participate.
Players can cancel 12 hours in advance to receive a group account credit

  • A minimum of 16 players is needed to run event
Tags kickballopenplay
Event is cancelled
Cancellation Deadline: January 22, 2024 6:30 AM (EST)

Cancellations before the deadline will give you a full refund. Cancellations after the deadline are not refundable.

Centennial Park

1185 Centennial Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL 33948, United States