Featured Event

FilledSaturday Pickup Soccer @ Portland Sports Complex (Intermediate + Level of play)

Mar 22 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (EDT)  •  Soccer •  Public Event
Ross Webber
Event Host
Casco Bay Sports
Event Host
Mar 22 11:00 AM

This session is geared towards players of Intermediate skill level and up!

11:00 am start time (Dome Field - 1 Field of play).
Format: 90 minutes - 7v7 round robin (3 Teams Rotate)

  • Please bring a light and dark shirt.
  • Pinnies will be given out at check in
  • Team assignments posted ahead of time


  • 7v7 Games 3 teams round rotate
  • 10-15 minute games (Ref’s discretion)
  • Ensure your Goalkeeper changes regularly throughout the game unless you have a permanent agreed GK.
  • Ensure you take subs and do not allow one person to spend more than their fair share of time on the bench


Contact when challenging for the ball is allowed, but fouls and unnecessary roughness will be penalized accordingly. The below conduct will immediately result in a foul being called

  • Open armed shoves
  • Slides
  • Leaving a foot in late
  • Intentionally making late/excessive contact

Conduct (“No Jerks” policy):

Players are accountable for their own actions regardless of the actions of another individual.

Players are expected to conduct themselves with good sportsmanship.

Chippy play, disrespectful verbal engagement, or contributing to the escalation of an incident, intentional physical contact with another player and any other disrespectful conduct is strictly prohibited by the “No Jerks” policy.

Zero-tolerance on fighting.

  • Must be 21 or older to play
  • Balls will be provided

Remember to register for the event through the OpenSports app!

20 going, all spots filled
Cancellation Deadline: March 21, 2025 11:00 AM (EDT)

Cancellations before the deadline will give you a full refund. Cancellations after the deadline are not refundable.

Portland Sports Center

512 Warren Ave, Portland, ME 04103, USA