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Central Coast Pickleball Club Woy Woy

CENTRAL COAST PICKLEBALL WOY WOY (CCPWW) was the first pickleball club to be established on the NSW Central Coast at Woy Woy. Our club has over 190 members who regularly play at our main venue (indoors) at the Peninsula Leisure Centre on 8 courts. Some play is also enjoyed (outdoors) at the local Woy Woy Tennis Centre on 4 courts.

We currently have several scheduled game sessions each week: Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Every player in attendance must have an individual booking and they are only accepted via OpenSports for experienced players who are conversant with the rules and scoring. Ensure you book into the correct session level. Message the ‘host’ if you should have queries or are unsure as to which play level to book.

We welcome experienced players visiting from other clubs and please ask that you:

• Call “ball!” when the ball transgresses to another court and STOP play
• Return the ball to the player with the raised paddle. Don’t kick the ball please
• Wait for a break in play before moving behind the baseline of a game in progress
• We appreciate punctuality and players assisting with the setting up and dismantling of nets

Our play sessions cater for competitive players and experienced proficient social players, but NOT beginners. For anyone who has not played pickleball previously, we ask that you get an introduction from an accredited pickleball coach (e.g. see below). On advice from the coach and becoming proficient at the game we welcome you to reserve a place at the PROFICIENT level of play for a maximum of 5 game sessions. It is then mandatory, for insurance purposes, to become a member (details tba at the time).

• Tomas Vana “TV” phone: 0421875787 email: (Woy Woy)
• Dennis Gordge phone: 0412467353 email: (West Gosford)
Any coaching agreement shall be between the player and coach: CCPWW shall not be liable for any claim against the club, committee or its members.


243 Blackwall Rd