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Adult UPMC Lemieux Goalie SignUp

Goalies For (can usually get in the building at 6:00AM and optionally start warming up as soon as you are ready) 6:30AM to 7:30 AM (and sometimes a bit later, optionally) Tuesday Thursday Pickup at UPMC Lemieux Rink in Cranberry, PA
I don't goalie but I am just starting this group as I became familiar with opensports thanks to the Pittsburgh Badminton group I sometimes go to. I think it would likely also be the most convenient way to help coordinate players interested in goalie-ing at this event coordinate. (We morning pickup skaters certainly do appreciate it when there are 2 (or more) goalies!).
Anticipate having 1-10 goalies soon, might have a few more and might get the "Pittsburgh Goalie Union" interested in adopting this for all such pickup opportunities in the wider region if successful.

8000 Cranberry Springs Dr

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