When you are setting up the tickets for league or tournament registration, you can create some tickets that are available until an earlier date than the other ticket types/registration options.
Let’s say you want max 16 teams in a league, and you want to create an early bird registration:
- You can open up 16 regularly priced team registration tickets, and 16 “early bird tickets” which have an earlier registration deadline.
- If 6 teams register as early birds, and 10 teams register regularly, that means all team spots have been filled, and no other teams can register (the system knows that your league is open to a max of 16 teams)
How to create early bird tickets
- In the league set up mode, or Edit mode, from the Registration Options section, click on Add.
- Select if the registration method will be Team (captain pays in full); Equal split; Custom split; or Free Agent.
- Give the tickets a clear title (like “early bird registration — split payment”), give it a description (players will see this when they are registering), and input the cost per player or per team.
- Select the date range for this early bird ticket.
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