You can now add a tag for every event and have the discounts apply to only events with that tag!!!
This allows you to limit a discount to specific activities, or specific sets of activities, very easily. It works on the web and app.
Sample use cases
If you are a group that mixes what types of events you offer —let’s say pickup games, tournaments, and virtual games — you can have a unique discount for those different categories of events. Here’s a few examples we can imagine:
- For a volleyball tournament, you might give it a tag like “tournament”, that way the discount only applies to tournaments and not to all events in your group;
- For morning pickup games, to get more members out, you might give those events a tag like “morning”, that way your afternoon and evening pickups don’t have discounts applied to them as well;
- Maybe you’re a group that runs multiple sports and you only want your discounts to apply to one sport, like soccer, in which case you can create a “soccer” tag.
Event Creation Form
Here is sample of how it looks in the event creation form. Just type in whatever you want the tag to be, and press enter. Then, move on to the discount creator tool to create you discount!
Discount Creation Form
If you go to the discounts page and the section titled “Applies To” and switch it to “Select Events” then you will see the option to add tags as well as select specific events and be able to exclude events from the tags. Note: you can just type in the name of the tag and press enter.
The set up is so simple and flexible! The tags can be defined by YOU, meaning you can name the tag whatever you want… as long as the event tag matches the discount tag.
Players view
When a player joins an event that has discounts tied (the event tags and the discount tags match), after they click Join, the Registration screen will automatically display the discount code, and will automatically discount the price (if you selected that it’s an automatically applying discount).
Multiple tags
When setting up a discount you can apply the same tags to have it match any event with overlapping tags. Note that you only need one tag to overlap for the discount to apply.
That this means if you create a discount with tags of soccer and morning then that discount will ALSO get applied to an event that is labelled soccer and afternoon because only one tag (in this case soccer) is required to match.
A discount with tags of soccer and morning will ALSO get applied to an event that is labelled soccer and afternoon because only one tag (in this case soccer) is required to match.
If you just want to apply a discount to morning soccer events then we recommend you create one tag called morning soccer on both the event and discounts page.
Or, you could have a discount that applies to both events that are tagged with morning soccer and lunchtime soccer but not to evening soccer:
Who can apply tags
Anyone who has edit access to an event can apply tags as they see fit (group admins, event admins, and event managers). However, only group admins have access to link tags to discounts and soon memberships.
The future of tagging and filters
Once we receive some feedback, we will roll this out for memberships, as well. Groups can also opt into filtering events based on tags, at an additional cost. This would allow you to, for example, display Pickups, Tournaments, and Virtual Games as filters that players can click on in your group’s home page. Let us know if you would like to hear more about filters!
Questions? Send them our way: