Before we start
Please confirm you have access to the following before reading this article:
- Existing team & schedule
- You should be the captain of a team in a league or tournament
- here should be players on your team’s roster
- The league should have a schedule, with upcoming games
How to view player RSVP
- From the My Team page, tap on the game for which you’d like to view which players are going/not going/maybe going
- Tap on Roster
- From the Roster page, you can view who is going, maybe going, and not going
How to change a teammates’ game RSVP
- From the Roster page, tap on the name of the player who’s RSVP you’d like to change
- Tap on the option you’d like (going, maybe, or declined)
- You’ll see the player’s RSVP status instantly changed!
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