How to add electronic waivers to your group or event

Easily add and update electronic waivers for all event attendees

Through your OpenSports group, automatically collect electronic waivers from all event attendees. This guide will show you how to add, update, and track waivers.

Adding a waiver

  1. Once you have created your group, go to your Dashboard from the group home page.
  2. On the left-hand menu, click on Settings. Then click on Waivers.
  3. If you are adding a new waiver, click on Add button.
    • Copy and paste or type in the waiver text into the Add Waiver pop-up textbox. You can edit your text directly in this window.
  4. To update an existing waiver, click on the Update button next to the waiver.
    • The existing waiver text will be shown in the Update Waiver pop-up. You can edit your text directly in this window.
  5. Once you are happy with your waiver, click Save.
  6. The next time a group member joins one of your events, they will be prompted to review and Agree and Accept the waiver to join the event.
  7. Every time you update your waiver, your group members will be prompted to review and accept the latest version when they sign up for an event.

A Few Notes

  • You can upload only one waiver to your group. You can update or edit the waiver as often as you need.
  • If an event attendee adds a guest without an OpenSports account to your event, they will not be prompted to sign the waiver. You can disable the ability to add guests when you are setting up your event.
  • Once a group member accepts the most up-to-date waiver, they will not be asked to accept it again unless it is updated.

That’s it! Feel better knowing that your group members have reviewed and accepted your waiver prior to registering for your events.

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