Create recurring events on OpenSports/Bulk event creator

The easiest and quickest way to set up dozens, or even hundreds of pickup games all in one go!

You can easily set up a schedule of recurring pickup/drop-in/open play events, on the OpenSports website. And we mean… EASILY!

How to set up a schedule of recurring events

  • Within your OpenSports group, create an event like you normally would, by clicking the Create Event button (on the web)
  • From the event creation form, in the Dates section, check the “Recurring Event” option
  • Fill out the fields in the form including: start and end date, how often the events repeat, which days of the week they repeat on, and the time slots.

  • Review the draft of all of the events you created
  • It is easy to edit the schedule of repeating events by deleting individual events if, let’s say, one game falls on a holiday
  • If, while you are looking over the list of events you accidentally delete an event, you can click on the “reset” button to easily undo all the edits you made and reset to the original schedule.

  • Continue filling out the event creation form and when you are done, save your events

Voila! Now you can view all of the events that you just created via either the card/list view or calendar view :

That was easy, wasn’t it :)

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