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Event Management
Event Management
How to Require Sign-ups for Parent and Youth Spots
OpenSports’ credit system & cancellation deadlines
If players sign the waiver electronically, does the admin have access to it?
Why you should collect payment through OpenSports
How to send refunds for event orders
How to create and run a pickup game through OpenSports: Complete App Guide
Create the best game descriptions to get more players out to your games
Do players have to create an account to rsvp for events or can then simply indicate a yes or no?
Embed upcoming events on your website with our widgets
How to create discount codes
Create an early bird discount to increase signups
Can I open up some free (or cash) spots and some paid spots for one event?
Can I create teams in advance on the app?
How do I minimize the amount of no-shows at my events!?
How to promote your first few pickup games
How sports groups are offering rewards to attract more users and grow their group
Why can’t I edit the refund policy/if I’m collecting payment/if my event is private?
How do I give reviews/ratings to event organizers?
Congrats on becoming a Group Administrator. Here’s a few things you should know!
Congrats on becoming an event administrator. Here’s a few things you should know!
Congrats on becoming an event manager. Here’s a few things you should know!
Create recurring events on OpenSports/Bulk event creator
Allow co-hosts/co-admins to join events for free
“Message Organizer” and Event Chat — which admins receive the messages
How to let a volunteer/assistant check-in players
Segment Your Event List by Location or Sport By Creating Custom Event Filters
Do the App and Website have the same features and functions?
Sizing for images
See who is a first time event attendee
How does a parent register more than one kid for a class? (web guide)
What is the difference between a public, private, and secret event?
Event Invites & Notifications
How to invite players to your sports event: OpenSports Web
Do players have to create an account to rsvp for events or can then simply indicate a yes or no?
How to invite players to your event: App
Can I invite everyone in my group to an event?
Will players in my group or in my region automatically get notified when I create a new event?
How many event invites can I send per day?
Can I filter invites by age and position (i.e., goalies only)?
Can players add guests if they have already joined the event/paid for their own spot?
Syncing events to your calendar
Only invite players who have a membership
Will players/attendees get a reminder notification about an event they joined?
Create user tags/segments for easy segmented inviting
All about Notifications: Email vs. App; Default notifications; How to change notifications settings
What to expect from the waitlist: Guide for players
Why does the attendees list appear to be full if people have dropped out?
How do I view who is on my event’s waitlist?
Will players get a notification when a spot on the waitlist opens up?
I just added more spots to my event. Why aren’t all waitlist players being notified?
Cancel the Waitlist and immediately open spots to everyone on it