How much time do players have to accept their spot on the waitlist?

  • When a spot on the waitlist opens up, the first player on the waitlist has two hours to click join! There is a two hour hold if the event is more than SIXTEEN hours in the future;
  • If the event is 16 hours to 1 hour away, there is a 30 minute hold;
  • If the event is less that 1 hour away, there is a 10 minute hold time.
  • The Waitlist Blackout Period: The waitlist “blackout period” is from 10pm to 9am as long as the game starts in more than 5 hours*. This means that if a spot opens for you at 10:00 pm, you will have until 9 am to respond. If you do not respond by 9 am, the waitlist carries on as normal (the next person on the waitlist will be notified).
  • Note: The waitlist blackout period functionality does not work 5 hours before the event. If, for example, you are offered a spot in the middle of the night for a game that starts within 5 hours, the waitlist will not hold the spot for you.


In this example below, the waitlist is active. The first person, Andreas, missed their spot while the second person, Bart, has an hour and 13 minutes left to accept their spot. Note: this is greater than 16 hours before the start time of the event.

This view of the active waitlist shows you if somebody is currently being offered a spot on the waitlist.

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