alex a.j.
  • 5/5 rating
  • 36 events attended
  • 45 events organized

alex has not created any public sport cards


Toronto Drop In Futsal Club

61 members

Drop-In Futsal/Indoor Soccer

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Toronto Pickup Soccer / Football Group

2596 members

COVID-19 UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 we are cancelling all upcoming March/April events on OpenSports and have suspended the ability to create events on OpenSports. As a sports community this is a really difficult decision but it’s in everybody’s best interest to maintain social distancing. I know we all miss the beautiful game a lot. Thank you for being a continued supporter of OpenSports. Be well, everyone. Alicia

Hello! Welcome to our Toronto Soccer community🤗
Join this group to get notified about several pickup games per week, at different fields around the city! Some free, some paid. See you on the pitch 👌⚽️

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West-End Futsal

1 member

We host a regular casual indoor soccer / futsal game -- the pace is quick, the game is fun, and it's open to all levels. We're looking for some additional players to round out numbers.

We're about having fun and being friendly, so if your main attribute is being intense, or if you're known for being clumsy, or for flying off the handle, of if your nickname is Psycho or Mad Dog... maybe find another game.

Game Format
• 4 v 4, up to 4 teams in rotation
• Games are either 5 minutes long, or first to 2 goals
• No goalies
• NO SLIDING or playing the ball on the ground

Casual Friendly Pickup Game
• While we close out and run quite a bit --- this is low-to-no-contact, and most people come here to train for quickness, cardio, ball control, passing and pressing.
• Please be considerate of other players and play for fun

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