Hsiao-Ling Alison Huang
  • 1 sport
  • 163 events attended
Advanced Pickleball


Brisbane Pickleball Club

1316 members

PICKLEBALL is a paddle sport you can learn in minutes and play for a lifetime.

It brings together elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong to create a sport that’s fun for all ages and skill levels, but gets fast-paced and exhilarating at competitive levels.

How is pickleball different to other net sports?

It’s easier to pick up than many net sports

It’s lower impact than tennis, so it’s easier on the body

It focuses on quick reflexes and aiming, rather than spiking the ball, powerful serves, or running speed

These differences open pickleball up to a greater range of players. Whether you’ve been playing tennis your whole life, or you’re walking onto a court for the first time; whether you’re young, old, or in between; whether you’re strategic and competitive, or just want to get involved in something fun, social, or active… PICKLEBALL is for you.

Brand new to Pickleball?

We highly recommend you attend one of our Come & Try Sessions for a thorough introduction to the sport; here you will learn the rules, court positioning, how to hold your paddle, and our club style of play. Our hosts can then suggest further sessions for you based on your ability.

These Come & Try sessions are usually held each Saturday at Aspley, each Tuesday at The Gap, each Sunday at Mt Gravatt, weekly at Rocklea, or monthly at Balmoral on a Saturday. We also hold two sessions on a Saturday at Albion (booked via Meetup app).

OR email venue@brisbanepickleballclub.com to request the best time for you.

To easily see our sessions on this app, please request to join our group via this link here - https://opensports.net/brisbane-pickleball-club?c=BPC\_OpenSports and we will approve your request. If you are becoming a paid member of our club, this is an important step that needs to be completed so we can tag you on this app as a Club Member and you can access special session rates and member only sessions, thank you in advance!

IMPORTANT - for first time attendees, please complete our waiver form via the below link before attending, unless you have paid for our club membership already. This completed form will cover you for insurance for the first 3-4 sessions while you try pickleball; after that we advise you to take up a paid membership, so you have insurance while you play - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKTZIHM\_GnehEZ2uEsXfgSsqVXSnH1J-y6exavSISln0kJcg/viewform?vc=0\&c=0\&w=1\&flr=0

To join as a club member to receive discounted session fees, attend member only sessions, receive special event invitations, a free club t-shirt and be covered by insurance - see link here - https://www.brisbanepickleballclub.com/rego/start/

Building your skills?

Look out for our Beginner / Social Player sessions and Skills Coaching.

Social, Intermediate and Advanced sessions offered throughout the week.

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324 members

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Pickleball Southside

52 members

Pickleball, the fastest-growing paddle sport in the world, is a unique and exhilarating game that captures the hearts of players across generations. Combining elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong, pickleball is easy to learn, accessible to all skill levels, and offers a myriad of benefits that make it a compelling choice for enthusiasts of all ages.

Unlike some sports that require a steep learning curve, pickleball can be picked up in a matter of minutes. The basic rules are intuitive, allowing players of varying skill levels to enjoy the game almost immediately. This makes pickleball an excellent choice for families, friends, and communities looking for a sport that brings people together in a fun and inclusive manner.

• Pickleball is renowned for being a low-impact sport, making it gentler on the joints compared to more strenuous activities like tennis.

• Pickleball's distinctiveness lies in its emphasis on strategy, precision, and reflexes rather than sheer athleticism. The game's dynamics create an environment where players of different strengths and playing styles can find their niche, fostering a sense of camaraderie on the court.

• With its roots in friendly, community-oriented play, pickleball provides a platform for people to connect and build relationships.

New to Pickleball? Not a problem. The rules are straightforward, making it easy for beginners to grasp the fundamentals quickly. We offer varying sessions throughout the week catering for all levels of skill.

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