Gaston Melo Felgueres
  • 3 sports
Intermediate Soccer
I'm looking to play soccer with others.

Updated 3 years ago

Intermediate Futsal
Looking to join a futsal group

Updated 3 years ago

BB Beach Volleyball

Updated 3 years ago


Force Soccer Studios - Adult COED Pickup Soccer

34 members

5v5 Pickup soccer in Gowanus

•We provide balls, goals, bibs (not currently due to Covid 19), scoreboard, and a climate-controlled turf field.

•Water fountains and bathrooms also available

•No cleats; flats or turfs only, shin guards required

•No chewing gum on the turf, please

Force Covid-19 Protocols

-Temperatures will be taken before each session and shall not attend if they have a fever over 99 degrees or if the player s not feeling well

-Masks shall be worn by players when they arrive, until they reach the soccer field, and upon exiting the field

-No Spectators until further notice please

-No Food will be allowed until further notice

-Hand sanitizer: Force will provide limited amounts and we appreciate your help

\*If a player comes in close contact with a Covid-19 patient or experiences symptoms they must:

Notify Force immediately along with the local health department

Cancel attendance and take a Covid 19 test before being allowed to return (full refund provided if family follows the proper steps)

Self-Quarantine for 14 days if test is positive or return to play after producing a copy of the negative test

More Info