Stefan Johnson
  • 36 events attended

Stefan has not created any public sport cards


Atlanta Sport and Social Club

1804 members

Atlanta Sport and Social Club is Atlanta’s go-to for adult recreational sports leagues, tournaments, and pick-up games! Get out, get active, and meet new people. We strive to be the highlight of your week! #PlayInTheATL

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Hotlanta Volleyball

1336 members

The Hotlanta Volleyball Association (HVA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote goodwill, understanding, and fellowship within Atlanta's LGBTQ community through the sport of volleyball. HVA sponsors many activities throughout the year including athletic leagues, tournaments, socials, and fund-raising events. We encourage all interested individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identification, to participate in HVA and its sponsored activities.

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Volleyball is Liife

714 members

Play hard but most importantly, have fun! We host Grass & Indoor tournaments and fun open gyms!

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